Holly's Story
Born in England, Holly always had a passion for music and dance. When she was younger, she joined dance classes and found that was a way to express herself. Moving on to her pre-teen years, Holly went through some hard times and struggled to cope so she started listening to music in a different way. So much so, Holly helped herself secure her mental state through music. Holly then begun to start writing lyrics and made a beat, then she created "my pupils don't dilate anymore". Holly has said "This won't be my last project, I want people to know that isn't my limit. That I can do better, and I will."
Most asked questions:

my pupils don't dilate anymore
I wrote my pupils don't dilate anymore in a month. I rushed myself, its always a project I will treasure but its not one I would bring up talking about my music. MPDDA, was about my life at the time when I felt like I needed to speak. But now I've had more time to think, my music will come across more clearer and more relatable.
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